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Bumps INF

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Bumps INF

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

God Over Money recording artist BumpsINF shared his testimony with Testimony: A Musician’s Story. Bumps discussed going through a divorce as a Christian, having full custody of his kids, and his latest album Man vs. Machine.

Purchase BumpsINF tracks on iTunes or Google Play

Find BumpsINF on Twitter @BumpsINF

00:28 - All In
02:59 - Help Me
06:27 - Family
08:50 - Shunned by Society
10:46 - Man vs. Machine
12:21 - Pain in Paragraphs
12:57 - Desperate Measures
16:58 - Ms. Diaz
18:55 - Mercy
22:06 - Crew Love
24:41 - All I Got
26:28 - The End
28:41 - Family