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Sho Baraka

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Sho Baraka

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

It's been three years since Sho Baraka dropped an album, but the socially conscious The Narrative couldn't have arrived at a better time. Journey with Sho as he takes us through some of his biggest highlights in life, including going to school with Lecrae and Tedashii and their formation of the 116 Clique. And don't miss his commentary on a few tracks off The Narrative.


Follow Sho on Twitter @AmIshoBaraka
Download The Narrative on iTunes or Google Play 

00:00 - Here
00:28 - Excellent
02:09 - God is Like
04:21 - Catch me at the Brook
07:16 - Ch4 - Mahalia
09:45 - Ch4 - Mahalia
12:07 - Maybe Both
14:35 - 30 & Up
17:34 - Forward
19:07 - Forward
20:02 - Here
21:18 - Here
22:47 - Prohfet
24:28 - My Hood (USA)
25:40 - Piano Break
28:28 - Piano Break