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Corey Paul

Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 

Corey Paul

Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

Corey Paul can be recognized by his emotionally charged lyrical delivery. He spoke with Testimony: A Musician’s Story about growing up with a drug addicted father who eventually took his own life, trying to live as a king on the streets of Houston, and living as a king with his label-mates on Collision Records.

Follow Corey on Twitter @CoreyPaulMusic 
Be sure to Pre-order Today, Tomorrow, Forever at Google Play or iTunes

00:00 - Today, Tomorrow, Forever
00:28 - Top Rope
00:54 - Top Rope
03:27 - Don't Give Up
06:26 - King Without a Crown
08:42 - Forty8
13:45 - Today, Tomorrow, Forever
16:00 - Die at the Top
20:28 - Die at the Top
24:12 - 100 in the Summer
26:19 - Live to see Forever
29:24 - Live to see Forever