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Testimony A Musician's Story

Tune into the stories of your favorite artists and musicians here on Testimony: A Musician's Story Podcast. 


Gaelika "Brown Theory" Brown

iTunes and Amazon's charts have heard the roar of God Over Money's artist, DATIN and his debut album The Roar. Find out how this freestyle champion went from almost singing with Eminem's Shady Records to speaking out against the music industry, in the 2016 season premier of Testimony: A Musician's Story.

Find DATIN on Twitter @Datin_TripleD 
Pick up DATIN's latest album The Roar at Google Play or iTunes

00:00 - The Roar
00:28 - One Body, One Spirit
03:19 - Pull the Plug
05:58 - Pull the Plug
09:01 - The Signs
10:31 - Had Enough
16:02 - Turn it Off
19:34 - Long Way Down
22:11 - Hallelujah All Day
25:50 - Hallelujah All Day
29:24 - The Roar